Y3llow was created by Jumbla, an Animation & Motion Graphics Studio, for Rhinomed featuring three-time Tour De France winner (2013, 2015 and 2016) Chris Froome. It combines live-action footage of the cyclist with motion graphics and includes a voiceover track recorded with the cyclist while racing in Melbourne.
The visually spellbinding clip was made to extol Froome’s campaign for a third Tour de France victory and to publicise Turbine – a sports breathing technology that Froome uses when he rides to increase airflow through the nose* to support nasal breathing.
Froome speaks of the remarkable significance of one particular colour (you can guess which!) and the impact it’s had on him.
“The Yellow Jersey represents pain and sacrifice in the present, for a legacy that lasts forever,” he says. “You earn the shine of the Yellow Jersey in the darkest hours of training.”
Creative Director, Oz Smith, says part of the inspiration of the film was the dream-like qualities in the work of Italian filmmaker Leonardo D’Alessandro.
“The ramping between scenes makes the narrative feel like a stream of consciousness,” Smith says. “We wanted to combine this style with the old Tour De France posters – which take from the Art Deco era – to create something original.”
Y3llow has now won 5 awards for Animation, the latest being an Honouree Award at the 2017 Webby Awards.
This is one of the media industry’s most esteemed award ceremonies. Or, as the New York Times refers to it as, the ‘highest honour of the internet’.
The Animation also took out awards at the AEAF Awards, the W3 Awards, the Muse Awards, and the Horizon Awards.
On top of this, the “Bicycle Film Festival” running in New York from June 20-25 are screening Y3llow as a part of their official program which will be fantastic exposure for Turbine and the Animation.
Animation Studio: Jumbla
Creative Director: Oz Smith
Producer: Natalie Studdert
Animation & Design: Oz Smith & Kane Rowlingson